Web3 M&A Marketplace

Boosted organic traffic by over 5,000% in just 9 months

The challenge

The client is a mergers and acquisitions marketplace that connects investors with Web3 startups and projects. The platform enables startup founders to effectively showcase their Web3 projects to fully sell or raise funds from retail investors and financial institutions in return for fractional ownership of the company. It also works as a staking platform where investors earn rewards by staking tokens for a set period.

When we started working with the client in September 2023, the 2-year-old website barely had organic traffic due to poor visibility in Google search results. This stemmed from on-page issues and the fact that the Web3 industry is extremely competitive. Only some succeed in this sector as Web3 businesses need more than just money to capture a market share.

The tactics

Our team first needed to understand the reason for poor organic performance. An extensive technical audit revealed major problems preventing search engines from discovering, indexing, and properly rendering the website.

Next, we needed to expand the client’s online reach by identifying keywords used by their audience to discover Web3 investment opportunities. These keywords then became the foundation of the new content and meta tags we’ve written for the website.

Furthermore, the Serphead team worked tirelessly with the client’s engineering team to:

● Implement website security headers to keep visitors safe
● Removed unnecessary redirects and fixed broken links to ensure users and search engines land on active landing pages
● Placed canonical tags to ensure duplicate URLs aren’t displayed in search results
● Unpublished irrelevant and duplicate pages
● Resized images to the correct dimensions and added alt-text
● Wrote and placed a Schema/structured data markup to display some information as rich snippets
● Added Open Graph and Twitter Tags to improve displayed data when a page is shared on social media
● Tweaked page elements and the backend to speed up page load time
● Created new landing pages to target even more potential users

The results

After most of the onsite improvements were implemented, the client didn’t have to wait long to see significant changes. Website impressions and traffic grew steadily at first and then exponentially as the months went by. Comparing website performance in June 2023 and June 2024, we helped the client boost their organic traffic by over 5,000% year on year.

The website is constantly growing and developing:

What’s more, we helped increase the website’s average engagement time by 57.64% and reduce the bounce rate by 12.23%.

The website now appears as one of the top results for major Web3 investment-related keywords and has taken a chunk of the Share of Voice away from billion-dollar competitors. The client has also started converting website traffic to real leads – startup owners that either want to sell their business or raise more funds. By increasing the client’s website visibility in search results, the Serphead team is helping our client reach untapped audiences better than before.