Bitcoin Exchange Website

Tripled organic website traffic and revenue without spending millions

The challenge

The client is a Bitcoin exchange website where users can buy and sell Bitcoin to each other. The client’s mission is to help unbanked individuals around the world gain financial freedom through Bitcoin.

The Bitcoin exchange website was just a small player in the cryptocurrency industry when we started working with them back in April 2019. They’ve had some success before as the website appeared on Google search for several high volume and high difficulty keywords, but most of the organic traffic came from brand search phrases. 

The client came to us as they needed to accelerate progress and outpace their competitors. They also aimed to grow their international market as their user base was limited to select countries back then. The client also wanted their brand to become an authority in all things cryptocurrency and to educate their target audience on the topic using their digital content.

Unlike their competitors who had unlimited marketing budgets, the client could only set aside a very small fraction of what their competitors were spending. This meant that the Serphead team had to use the available resources wisely.

The tactics

To expand the overall keyword reach of the client, we first researched keyword gaps when compared to top competitors. From there, we filled those gaps by targeting keywords that were popular enough but had low competition.

Next, we worked together with the client’s web developers to launch new pages and capture those keywords systematically in order of least resistance. We also put together a content calendar and collaborated with their content writers to publish new content to help potential customers get started with cryptocurrency.

To broaden the client’s reach in other countries, we studied how prospective customers find Bitcoin exchanges. Our findings revealed several languages targeted for website localization as well as what keywords to use for each locale. Our team then worked in concert with the client’s localization professionals to translate the website into other languages.

Our team also needed to understand how search engines render the Bitcoin exchange website. A thorough health check exposed the indexing issues plaguing the website and holding it back from getting better search engine rankings. The Serphead team and the client’s front-end team worked closely together and fixed major problems such as duplicate content, slow load speed, redirect chains, unoptimized metadata, and broken links.

While on-site SEO work was being done, we initiated an aggressive campaign to acquire backlinks from reputable FinTech websites. The goal was to increase the client’s website domain authority so that it’s trusted by search engines.

Lastly, frequent backlink analysis showed us that the Bitcoin exchange was under constant SEO blackhat attacks. The website was getting backlinks from low-quality domains with anchor texts that were completely irrelevant to cryptocurrency. The Serphead team inspected newly detected backlinks and disavowed bad ones weekly to protect the Bitcoin exchange from possible algorithmic penalties. 

The results

Facing long odds as competition grew fiercer, the client set lofty growth targets for organic traffic. With the help of Serphead, they not only hit those targets but have exceeded them in most cases. Organic performance grew and thrived despite the disruption caused by the pandemic in 2020.

The website was in perfect position just in time for the cryptocurrency boom of 2020-2022. This was the time when the client saw record-level organic traffic, new user sign-ups, transactions, and revenue figures.

The Serphead team was also able to help the client with its mission. Millions of people were investing and sending remittances with Bitcoin without the help of banks and other financial institutions.