September 6, 2024
How to Use ChatGPT in Search Engine Marketing
ChatGPT can be a lifesaver for small marketing teams as it can be used to assist marketers in tasks such as research, copywriting, competitor comparison, and rousing creative ideas.
Whilst ChatGPT can’t do all the work (you shouldn't anyway), it can help lay the foundation of your marketing campaign. Let’s dig into how you can leverage ChatGPT in novel ways.
1. Create content using different personas
As you can ask ChatGPT to be what you want it to be, you can create personas to produce content tailored to specific audiences. To get this output, use simple prompts starting with "You're a..." and then add specific instructions about what you want to do. Here's an example:

You may also switch it up using prompts like "Explain [subject] to me like I'm dumb" to get simplified content about complex topics.

2. Write meta descriptions
Start your prompt with an actionable phrase like "Write a..." then give all the context you can. This context could include a keyword or phrase you want to target and a call to action.

Take note that the output may exceed the 155-character limit so it's up to you to trim it as needed.
3. Prepare blog outlines
Creating the blueprint of a blog post can be time-consuming but you can let ChatGPT do the initial work for you in one fell swoop. The trick is to write a precise prompt with these details:
- Main topic of your blog post
- Purpose of the blog (entertain, persuade, or inform)
- Target audience
- Word count
- Style and tone of voice (educational, conversational, active voice, etc)
- Angle or point of view (contrarian, anecdotal, etc)
- Takeaways that you want readers to gain from the blog post
The prompt could look something like this:

4. Write sales copy
ChatGPT is so smart, that it can understand marketing acronyms like PAS (problem, agitate, solution) in your prompts. You can take leverage to create highly convincing marketing materials and page copies.

5. Conduct A/B tests
If you're creating Google text ads, you can perfect it using asking ChatGPT to create ad variations and then asking it to explain the upsides of each.
You may use a prompt like this:

Caveats when using ChatGPT
While ChatGPT is getting more sophisticated, you should never copy and paste its output and call it a day. There are instances where the output is repetitive, outdated, and even downright false.
Let's dive deep into the limitations of ChatGPT down here.
1. ChatGPT database is outdated
The last database update was way back in September 2021. As you can imagine, so much has changed since then.

2. ChatGPT can be confidently incorrect
Know the subreddit /r/confidentlyincorrect/? We'll, ChatGPT sometimes sound like the people in there. ChatGPT sometimes puts out inaccurate content that sounds quite convincing.
Part of it is the outdated database we mentioned earlier. Another factor is that the whole internet is used to train the AI. This means factually incorrect content or even conspiracy theories have found their way into the database. Lastly, ChatGPT can misinterpret prompts which can lead to what we call AI hallucinations.
3. The output is repetitive
One of the hallmarks of generative AI content is the amount of repetition. An idea or a phrase is often reused numerous times, especially for thousand-word outputs.
Publishing AI content on your website without proofreading can be a recipe for disaster. Your website traffic will tank as soon as Google finds out you're not offering insightful and original content.
If you've made it this far, thanks for sticking with us. We hope that the 5 ChatGPT SEM use cases will serve you in your day-to-day activities. Remember, ChatGPT is only one of the tools in your arsenal so don't fully rely on it.